military airfields in the UK
aircraft on site
4,300 personnel on site
Code-named ‘Project Winfra’ by the MOD, Royal Naval Air Station (RNAS) Yeovilton undertook four major schemes to ensure that both the Royal Navy’s and Army Air Corp’s Wildcat helicopter forces had the vital facilities to live, work, train and the capability to act when needed. Project Winfra is an exciting and ambitious project which will enable RNAS Yeovilton, which is already one of the busiest military airfields in Europe, to become the new home for both these Wildcat Attack Helicopter Force’s.
Initial work began on site in 2014, and in March 2015 SES delivered the first building for the Commando Helicopter Force (CHF), who operate the Merlin helicopters at Yeovilton. Providing full design and installation of all M&E services for a new three-storey building incorporating a squadron office and training rooms to ensure the CHF team are able to train for deployment.
In November 2015, SES delivered the associated upgrade of all site infrastructure to accommodate the new build Quartermaster’s Store, Motor Transport Workshop, new build Covered Troop Command Parking, new Command Helicopter Force open parking and B559 crèche alteration, ancillary buildings (including a new build Motor Transport fuel point and wash down facility). The buildings and associated infrastructure have now been handed over to the Army Air Corps (AAC).
SES also delivered a new build squadron HQ and refurbishment and alterations to existing squadron accommodation, an armoury facility, also the installation of new video fire detection and infrastructure to various aircraft hangars and an extension to the existing fuel tanker park.
The final project, delivered in 2016 included all associated infrastructure works for a new gatehouse, a new Senior Rates Mess, new living accommodation, a new sports pavilion and pitches, a new gym, a new dental facility, medical centre refurbishment and a new ambulance garage.
Now the project is completed it provides the necessary infrastructure to locate the Army’s Wildcats in the same base as the Royal Navy’s. It also delivers operating and maintenance efficiencies as a Central Operating Base for the aircraft type.
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